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> How is that legal?

You are forgetting the number of democratic countries which forced their COVID app from Appstore/Playstore on their citizens. They came short of calling it mandatory download but mandated the app as entry pass for several services.

You don't use a monopoly powered smartphone? You cannot afford a phone at all? Tough luck buddy(/s).

Only reason these COVID pass apps didn't stick around in the democratic countries is because the apps didn't do what's it's supposed to do; Ironically because the app couldn't be made mandatory download thereby not achieving the critical mass.

NSW (Australian state) actually has mandatory contract tracing[1] though you can use a web or physical form.

[1]: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/covid-safe-check

Having a web app as well would have been slightly better, especially if it works in feature phones(In several developing countries feature phone usage is lot higher than smartphones even then they didn't publish a web app) but still doesn't help those who doesn't use a phone at all(whatever the reason might be).

Distribute free phones which is capable of running these COVID apps and then the issue comes down to just privacy.

Alternate physical form seems reasonable.

*just : Not to reduce the importance of privacy(EFF commentary in my other comment).

I am not sure why people are shocked that this kind of thing would happen in democratic societies. People seem to have a rose colored view of democracy, and believe it is synonymous with freedom... it is not

Democracies can be just as tyrannical as any other forms of government, doubly true when the people in that democracy have replaced the desire for freedom, with the desire for safety which most societies in the world today have less desire to be free, and more of a desire to be safe; falsely believing they can actually trade freedom for safety.

What countries were that?

Not going to name countries and trigger a slugfest. But will include the List of countries with official contact tracing apps[1] and you can search for which services those apps were mandated. EFF commentary on these apps[2].



There's no point to this. If you're going to call out a group for behavior, you should be willing to state their name. You didn't avoid a slugfest, you just confused the issue ye being ambiguous for no reason. The only negative consequences here are a few lost points, and you get that already for making allusions rather than statements with evidence, and providing a list of countries that have tracking apps is not evidence that any of those countries mandated its use.

If the consequences for you are larger than that because you think your country is somehow monitoring your statements, I doubt being vague like this actually helps and you could always supply some other country as evidence, since your statements imply there are multiple.

I presume you haven't read my other comment about the search query. Search for 'COVID app mandatory for' and depending upon your location the results will be either only about your country or the *countries/states which you're asking for.

I assumed the statements I made about COVID app mandatory for services in many countries was a common knowledge. I failed to account that not many keep tabs on stuff happening outside their own country and that many believe the democratic freedoms they enjoy is universal.

Couple of up votes is not worth it to put up with nationalist terrorists. Free speech cannot be taken for granted every where.

My country (Iceland) has an official contact tracing app listed there. It was developed by volunteers and contributed to the government and the source is open on github. Nothing you said applies to it.

Good to know, Good for Iceland residents. Note that I didn't say 'all democratic countries'.

Thanks. It's worked very well for us and really helped with contact tracing.

But what democratic countries are mandating the use of covid apps?

Searching for mandatory and required turned up Hong Kong (required the app for entering restaurants) and Qatar (mandated when leaving the house). I don't think this is what OP was refering to.

Please search instead by 'COVID app mandatory for'; depending upon your location the results might vary i.e. if you are from one of those countries then all the search results in the front page would be about just your country and where as if you are not then you will get different countries/states which has mandated COVID app for some service.

If the former is true for you, it didn't mean I meant your country alone in my original comment.

> Please search instead by 'COVID app mandatory for';

In case I can save anyone else the time I spent, I initially read this as op saying that I should search for the phrase 'COVID app mandatory for' in one of the two articles op previously linked [1][2]. This phrase does not show up in either link.

I believe op is suggesting that I google this phrase but I think I already have spent too much time on this.

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_apps#List_of_countrie...

[2] https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/09/covid-19-tracking-tech...

Nice to see. There are days here... (USA) where I browse about and wonder about immigration.

In my view, you guys have something good. Stay vigilant!

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