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Amulet – a short poem with a lucky SHA-256 hash (text.bargains)
149 points by simonpure on April 27, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 115 comments

My attempt at one: https://pastebin.com/SEEpx3C4

> Hello Hackernews, This is one. Whats so tough?


(In short, allowing all unicode characters makes this trivially easy... HN gets rid of some of the unicode weirdness though so I had to put it on Pastebin. I assume this matches the 'load bearing' criteria as I only use variable width spaces rather than additional characters.)

Not putting it on the blockchain though because I don't hate the planet.

> I assume this matches the 'load bearing' criteria as I only use variable width spaces

I think you might be stretching the rules slightly with that stuff.

Using "medium mathematical space" (U205F) instead of an ascii space seems pretty clearly to be using a special character for the purpose of manipulating the hash.

I'd much rather amulets be created not by messing with invisible codepoint differences, but rather by making more typographically distinct entries and picking out ones that are correct.

When I saw "generated", I thought "have a thesaurus suggest word swaps", not "manipulate invisible unicode characters"

> When I saw "generated", I thought "have a thesaurus suggest word swaps", not "manipulate invisible unicode characters"

Hehe maybe. To generate it I manipulated the width of the spaces between the words, changed the grammar and did word swaps :)

Looking at the examples provided, they also seem to use line breaks to add further entropy.

Adding data to a blockchain doesn't use extra energy... As in, probably in the order of posting it to HN. The next block will be mined whether or not your amulet is in it.

More likely however is that the code you used to generate this amulet was worse for the environment.

Competing for the oversubscribed resource of space in the next block does drive up the price, though, which in the end also drives up the mining reward and ultimately energy use.

One more amulet generator, for the road...

  while true ; do
    SHA=`echo "I adopted $COUNT puppies." | sha256sum | egrep 8888`
    if [ "$SHA" != "" ] ; then
      echo "$SHA I adopted $COUNT puppies."
Sample output:

  4f3e14ded07eda16a7fb57c42aebf1f97ef67acba4980bf472a8e188887c7726  - I adopted 6484 puppies.
  57c3e9fd05f06a705206d38888b317b5eb596d35c6f308b909a440e2c8e391c8  - I adopted 6627 puppies.
  4624f6bb4c7d3d8328888495c1422a1891b609b81abda3ff4d70bedd1c4f6cdd  - I adopted 12631 puppies.
  9c0be05548139888804d3799ad5729ea424b0487487a6b18803f1aa5746c1904  - I adopted 15663 puppies.
  c60fc3f97f62ee07665325e235faa05fefc445aee7d356a9d81f58888c475147  - I adopted 15861 puppies.
Bonus points if the number of puppies adopted is a palindromic prime. [1]

[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindromic_prime

Now 6:

7c31d274888888f28e37743d4c554e5fffdb7df35a1291bc83119e31743a233b - I adopted 43653 puppies. 5888888c44ce19109d9021679ca8023314cb06a0b48fe9f57f34d2f83ee5a971 - I adopted 321255 puppies. b4b4f1bdf07da6049c7aa172504e8f7464d13333508888889743ebd9136f0345 - I adopted 521564 puppies.

It's hard to buy the classification of rarity outlined in TFA.

Having to write 40k submissions to find one with 6 8s more than qualifies as rare to my mind.

Automatically incrementing a string might satisfy the requirements, but for an artistic project it's not what I'd base the metrics on, and indeed I don't think the author did.

Tweaked to find 5 8's:

88888eb74ed90df21487f33795e8af9f578b6b5e359db71e4ac0b2bd8b1115c8 - I adopted 34534 puppies. 7c31d274888888f28e37743d4c554e5fffdb7df35a1291bc83119e31743a233b - I adopted 43653 puppies. e88888508aeaea73f45925e9af3e95890ec15362ce0b0244f56d271f0ba8ce8e - I adopted 53527 puppies.

probably more coming soon ...

     7, b2a3a24530d0e7c15e821d944e34a28178888888458c7d660573ad6e11707df1 - I adopted 2222020 puppies.
     8, 8888888808a07e25f69a55118d348c25774e94d21800c6015341d0ff42664e62 - I adopted 6443609616 puppies.
     9, 7f0183bc4b5eae3888888888cd55e9b158b6e6f258c7c82f4005cc2ea5ae5a5a - I adopted 4135438531 puppies.
    10, 20d394319b224629b96f8888888888b800e2c53b04f3ed6d0dea7e8f96e41c41 - I adopted 1356889176260281396 puppies.

11, 949f43b1118080d2b3b5888888888889ca2e3bee84b2298bbe4f18d6d203ed47 - I adopted 18425680900202321846 puppies.

How about modifying this one, to use hexadecimal numbers instead?

Modified your script to use hexadecimal numbers. Also changed `sha256sum` to use `shasum`, which is what's available on vanilla (not "brewed") macOS.

    while true; do
            hex=`printf "%04X\n"  $COUNT`
            SHA=`echo -n "$hex puppies adopted me." | shasum -a 256 | egrep 8888`
                    if [ "$SHA" != "" ] ; then
                            echo "$SHA $hex puppies adopted me."
            COUNT=`expr $COUNT + 1`

You begin to contemplate neutral yet fascinating sensations.


You picture an infinite and essentially captivated dimension.



Optimization (for any attribute) is left as an exercise for the reader.

  while true ; do
    W1=`shuf -n 1 /usr/share/dict/words`
    W2=`shuf -n 1 /usr/share/dict/words`
    W3=`shuf -n 1 /usr/share/dict/words`
    W4=`shuf -n 1 /usr/share/dict/words`
    W5=`shuf -n 1 /usr/share/dict/words`
    SHA=`echo "$W1 $W2 $W3 $W4 $W5" | sha256sum | egrep 8888`
    if [ "$SHA" != "" ] ; then
      echo "$SHA $W1 $W2 $W3 $W4 $W5"
Sample output:

  00b6b668465deadabf11d7296e7de33780643e23c967e255888884f34ecc41de  - frigorifical psittaceous goodeniaceous oostegite handsomeish
  b3096654fa38ca318888b2c4eea4a9d93b9e49b02c54f390d2f06ca74d9e8edb  - refuser skepful assumptive hypostatic toothleted
  ef3a7d3b25a8cffe730b888800884ddde96ea7e58608c8bd714b5db7a5caf3fb  - coenobioid graticulation astrognosy remica swarthily
  c8888957c0105b6ea64b24853ec6c1a34828c0552c2776b6a4bd35d6129c3b87  - barbarously withinside underwing autocratic punkah
  5ca89be465ab472eea785ab950ea28ce03457a09d1fecd2bc75b88888c269e5d  - Malay persuade truantlike binodose suppose
  20bdbfcdb6345888814555c2d0abeaa2f2b7c81506a661c99f7c2675688d4917  - dorsimedian seasonably cuckoo eyewinker hyperthyroidization
  337675d56afb73835c58888f509de783a9385e3f249784d50b9a3e50c6a68a77  - squamous calp choosingly velum forborne
  e08888a15d449e8c2dab2283d53adfa5b1bfc7fe99ccd0fd7bbe45a4ce9b0bdb  - equipartition creatininemia treaclewort Menobranchus undisturbedness

>left as an exercise for the reader

so do we start with markov chain generators or jump straight to gpt-3?

You only have to run shuf once:

shuf -rn 5 /usr/share/dict/words | tr '\n' ' '

I found it hilarious that none of the dicts packaged by Debian/Ubuntu include the word "cafe", but they do have "subprehensile".

Because some people don't know...


For more information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geek_Code

This concept is philosophically interesting, because an infinitely-powerful deity could compose text with a hash value of all 8's, and anyone could verify that it was authored by someone with more computing power than the universe.

The fact that this is possible, but hasn't happened, may imply that we have never received a message from such an entity.

There was a religious apologetics claim, widely presented and debated in the 1990s, that there were statistical anomalies in the Torah to show that it was really written by God: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bible_code

However, the measurement technique was somewhat underdetermined, which is a problem akin to p-hacking (as you could look for many possible anomalies and only publish the ones that you successfully find).

> anyone could verify that it was authored by someone with more computing power than the universe

I never thought of this that way, but that's an excellent way to put it! (Although you also need to assume that the hash is extremely strongly preimage-resistant, which we don't have good mathematical techniques to prove today.)

One challenge for this: what is the canonical text encoding and canonicalization, and what is the canonical hash function?

Well, if I were God, I would just define a canonical encoding and hash function as part of the message. Mathematicians would study the algorithm over the years, but never find any flaws.

Isn't that cheating though? By controlling the hash function you can alter the function itself until your message will meet the requirements, even though someone later on would find it impossible to compute a new message that meets the same?

Presumably, God could foresee the cryptographic flaws of any algorithm, and could therefore design a simpler secure hash function than any human. In this case, "secure" means that there exists no algorithm to compute a preimage faster than brute force.

This would be a "nothing up my sleeve" function, in contrast to something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dual_EC_DRBG that cryptographers would identify as sketchy.

Hypothetical question: What is the Kolmogorov complexity of a secure 256-bit hash function?

Hence God must have computational power greater than a Turing machine, at least if he wants to prove His hash function minimises Kolmogorov complexity.

For a rough upper bound, there are some examples at [0], which could be less than 100 characters of C (once golfed).

[0] https://stackoverflow.com/a/14409947/5327391

You might enjoy ‘Basilisk collection’.


I doubt that is possible with the 64 byte limit (at least making something that makes sense to read as a poem, as per the challenge).

Yeah, my idea makes more sense if you omit the 64-byte limit; then the input can be an entire book.

For an ideal hash function, every output maps to an infinite number of inputs. I don't know if SHA-256 has that property, but God could just define the simplest ideal hash function and let people cryptanalyze it.

There's something like 2^59 64 byte strings that hash to all 8s. (Er, 2^168? Math is hard.)

You have 2^256 possible hash values and 2^(8*64) = 2^512 different 64 character strings. So for each hash value (including the "only 8s" one) there are, on average, 2^256 64 char strings mapping to that value.

Therefore (but also trivially) a random 64 character string (or any string) has a 1/2^256 chance of having all 8s in its hash. Since English has about 1 bit of information per character, there are only about 2^64 different non-gibberish 64 char strings. The odds that there exists any English phrase with an all 8 hash are 1/2^192 (i.e. zero).

Standard English text is around 1 bit of entropy per character, but it doesn't mean you can only write 2^64 non-gibberish text in 64 characters. For example, there are around 40k eight letter words, way more than 256. The entropy is so low because we keep using the same words, but we don't have to. We can also use abbreviations, invent proper nouns, and we don't even have to limit ourselves to English or even a single language.

"犬 in French is chien, that one is Klign jr" is perfectly valid.

I don't know if all 8s is possible, UTF-8 is quite wasteful for that purpose. Maybe we could take advantage of kanji. I don't know enough about Japanese, and even less Chinese, but it looks like you could make a proper noun by mashing any kanji together, including the obscure ones, and it will be usable and pronounceable. Maybe not pretty, but valid.

Edit: And as a last resort, we could cheat with "password: }8pHgaQ^?7ic'6KIO!uDXQnhL3(6hcfZmRYnGUw1Pz`c?y@D"

> For example, there are around 40k eight letter words, way more than 256. The entropy is so low because we keep using the same words, but we don't have to.

Correct, but that low entropy is what distinguishes

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
from (sampled from random Wikipedia article titles)

    Alabama Christopher List Park Girlfriend Manor crucifera

    I saw your dad outside of Walmart yesterday.
from (5th word of 2nd section of random Wikipedia articles)

    gospel Rich existed school and for Deputy he

> We can also use abbreviations, invent proper nouns,

Sure, make it 1.1 bits per character (the 1 bit is not a precise number anyway). That doesn't change anything about the orders of magnitude involved.

> we don't even have to limit ourselves to English or even a single language.

I tried to look for entropy of Chinese writing, and I've only found an upper bound of 3.8 bits per (UTF8) byte. That makes it still unlikely but at least conceivable that there is an all-8 amulet made of 64 bytes of Chinese text.

> UTF-8 is quite wasteful for that purpose.

Right, but as far as I understand that's the constraint.

> And as a last resort, we could cheat with "password: }8pHgaQ^?7ic'6KIO!uDXQnhL3(6hcfZmRYnGUw1Pz`c?y@D"

Yes, but that's not interesting from either an art nor from a computer science point of view.

But how many of those strings consist entirely of sensical prose?

Even in a string of just 4 letters, out of c500,000 combinations only c5k are a valid word. The longer the string, the smaller % of random letter combinations will happen to be valid prose.

English text has about 1 bit of information per character. So there are about 2^64 different meaningful 64 character messages.

The more likely explanation would be that a human has broken SHA-256.

...and with a preimage attack, something that even MD4 --- for which collisions can easily be generated with hand calculation --- resists to this day. I'm reasonably confident that if the three-letter-agencies know of such attacks, or general techniques for doing so, they would be very quiet about it.

Yes. Or even that someone reinvented computing. Or contact from an alien race. Are all more plausible than a deity. For a proof of God I would require something without in which it really is the most likely explanation, like a face appearing on a piece of toast

This script [0] takes any amulet and adds various combinations of unicode white space to the end to create a rarer version without visually changing the original. It definitely goes against the spirit of white space being "load bearing", but was fun to make anyway.

[0] https://github.com/blopker/amulet_finder

I've found something:

«...i'm dancing in a nutshell»

https://opensea.io/assets/0x2a2127753653f6210d26f5b470738bf1... (EPIC)

We do not do it...

https://opensea.io/assets/0x2a2127753653f6210d26f5b470738bf1... (LEGENDARY)

After feeding it different fortune databases:

    Conscience is what hurts when everything else feels so good.
I found an "uncommon" one.

If you accept the questionable premise that the people that write short summaries used in IMDB are writing poetry, then the summary of "Road Trip" (tt7328966):

Two friends set out on a road trip but one of them has a few questions he needs answered.

Is an "epic" Amulet (7 8s in a row)

I think I need to stop now.

I found a few common ones


didn't cheat with trailing spaces haha

> first and foremost

> I avocado toast


> what the fuck is an NFT

> can someone please explain

> waste io

`All Play And No Work Makes Jack A Rich Boy` is a common amulet


'I wonder if there's any chance of finding one just by typi' is my uncommon ('...dc28888858...')

Hello HackerNews from fxtentacle !!1!!!!1!111!!11!!!11!!1


This is an epic amulet!

Oh, Dante, only common ones in the Divina Commedia.

de la quartana, c’ha già l’unghie smorte, 07103f886e0b6cd70c39da95aa9048888232bd40cab66554775314ba54be086e

Maggiore aperta molte volte impruna 48888078da7fcab4688ed1cdb6672b9ad95a9c477a7863458837f376fd7b3797

‘Per che non reggi tu, o sacra fame 58b2731a241fa27f1e64c88887c44e3698185a427d7cf533cea6771122262745

la fede, sanza qual ben far non basta. 2ed62851d5e0f10d452c9830100872f9b0298888a63d5732bb95dd3f92fd6fd2

Tu dunque, che levato hai il coperchio 6389e4ba0c7c4b9fbb0087d9cc26ce8e35ba695e0dda56daa4b42d76838888ef

e per magrezza e per voler leggera. 99dccbc91227e117588884213598c4ae4c761537ad22285cc7b21ffa6b3a7bee

tosto che ’l vostro viso si nascose». 6d4924f638b4daf8888bb1bae05ecf0a5db66fc9d10ebaf9f93dbb809f19e52e

disfrenata saetta, quanto eramo bc4bf75c28572855818888a4d11c05c3aab85b4121b73f19599521705d5d3b6e

La pena dunque che la croce porse ffdf0fc7d4f37198888924624c85095676a0132398c8131322e8bd4b9414b3e6

ciascun di quei candori in sù si stese 4dd8888bfa1ea4ddea85e87565e77c3965334bfd86eaf704f84fd42c847aa9da

La forma general di paradiso bac7ba4fc96a04ba8409ba288889741a4463d14f45c9d288d95e380f8fad5ada

Some LEGENDARY eight-amulets:

  eiGHt EIgHT eIght eighT eight EIgHT EIgHT eIGHt eiGhT eIgHT - 8 :888888881a7402c0c8ba04e6fa2cbbd4aa5111af3fb2dce8c9d90b06ab13ed38
  EigHT EIGHT EIGhT EiGhT EighT EIGhT eIGhT eIGhT EIGHT eight - 8 :0888888885a04f80a17a45468c761c0e6a80b9b1309a408003b024a1b7ddfc3d
  EighT EigHt EighT eiGht EIGHt eiGHt EIGhT eIght eight Eight - 8 :985a2888888889d774f2c083b44bd5a87f86974295f6178bf40da5ac2bcd9d6e
  EigHt eigHt eighT eight EigHt eigHT eIgHT eight eiGHT eIgHT - 8 :06da1388888888b0fe865087da99839debe557e4a7d762d740d93d5eea6a683b
  EIgHt eIght EigHT eigHt EiGhT EigHt Eight eight eIGht eiGHT - 8 :fe9143429488888888c375251de2493913a07ffccd0e104810153085d27dfb04
  eiGHT eiGhT eIGHT eIGHt eigHT EiGht EIGht eiGhT EIGht eIGhT - 8 :91e10b15288c9888888884ca0082ce0ccfe4bfafcb13444bc36fcf30b19ca363
  eiGHT eIGht eIgHt EIGht EIGHt EIgHT eiGht EiGHT eIGHT eiGHt - 8 :fff5d81258a222b88888888b258ce415a1ae1b12b14535c09b9dcb19d70d4328
  EIghT EiGHT EIght EIGhT EigHt EIGHT eIghT eIGhT EighT EIGht - 8 :2b7de871ee1694892ddbf2937b688888888e99d37e5c920804424670a178a133
  EIGHt EIght eigHT eiGHt eiGHT eIGHT EigHT EIGht eigHT eiGHt - 8 :51670c25d4dab2d891cd18beed868888888870850a92e42887c62bd750a16c5f
  EIghT EIgHT eIgHT EIGHt eiGHT eight EigHt EIGHT eIght eIGHt - 8 :80b5c98d08eacad221f25bde009488888888b58dbb3aafaf617b0b364133e87b
  EIgHT EIGhT EIGHt EigHT eIGhT EIght EIgHT EIGhT eIgHT EIGHt - 8 :cd0b0fd7ef75fc8a37001bc87183d326aeba888888885cc2c48dbf48d38a7bfb
  eigHt eIGhT EighT eIgHT eigHT eIGHT EigHT EighT EIGht eigHt - 8 :8ecfe9ad597bad2e537beacce70464cb57c18f88888888fd105c8c31de75345e
  eiGHT eIGHt EIGhT EIghT EIghT EiGHT eiGHT eIghT eIGht EIgHT - 8 :e88f20df9f85114be9e95f88daeb57c94be3564e4c8688888888c0fbbc7e4e8c
  eigHT eIgHt EigHt EigHt EigHT EIGHt EiGht EigHT eIGHT EiGhT - 8 :bcab4227100078135599839a3d3b35c38b75e94e753e95a88888888a29616478
This one is even MYTHICAL:

  EIgHt EiGHT eIGhT eIght EIgHT EiGHt EiGHt eIGHT - 9 :6dcfd600d05e1249d6590aaee053793b792c60ff94513456b697888888888f67
Now how can someone (easily) put them on this blockchain?

Ha, I like your style – great minds think alike:

8⃣ = = = = = = : 37f52a074751239fd88888116130302ddb5074212bee34ecff0f1db531f43199

edit: welp, the unicode was borked. It's the number 8, scorpion, amulet, eight-ball, octopus, stop sign, spider

> A mullet d023069c25bf838888b73a8f135a8bd125be3f7081edbe8a32466e93a333dd38

warning, this site includes an extremely loud mp3 [0] that plays automatically without warning and is very startling

[0] https://text.bargains/media/coin.mp3

It didn't play for me, but this is fantastic and brings me back to the 90's / early 00's era of web design with midis and sound effects. I miss that web.

Music and sound effects add to the mood and aesthetic of presentation. It's not so strange, either. TikTok leans on it heavily and people are loving it.

I want a return to sound on the web.

my complaint isn't with sound on the web. my complaint is with there being a 'screamer' on the site.

Web browser bug that it's even possible.

Here is an uncommon one I came up with (not using any clever spacing or Unicode characters):

Never enough time, only enough weighting

I minted a few amulets and wrote about it here [0]

My rarest I've found is probably 🇸🇲 [1]

[0] https://sourcetarget.email/editions/29/ [1] https://opensea.io/assets/0x2a2127753653f6210d26f5b470738bf1...

This concept is a good way to prime someone for understanding how crypto mining works. Cool idea!

So 10 8's is mythic. That's only 2^40 (probably less since the 8's dont have to be in a specific position in the hash). Based on https://gist.github.com/epixoip/a83d38f412b4737e99bbef804a27... you should be able to bruteforce a mythic amulet in 48 seconds with a high end gpu from 2016.

Doesn't sound that mythic to me.

I wrote a CUDA kernel to look for some. My 3080 managed 3 billion/second including population counting the 8s. After 48 seconds it had spat out three 10-eights and one 11-eights amulet:

  Here are some excellent hex digits: 251d5b059cefc6f3
which hashes to

Of course, it gets a lot harder if the goal is poetry, and not just jamming hex chars into a string.

Can you please share how you got the 2^40 number? I've been trying to think of how to figure out the odds of these.

Odds of 4 hex 8's in a row given a 4 digit string is (1/16)^4.

Odds of 4 hex 8's in a row given a 5 digit string is number of ways to arrange 8s in the first 4 digits (1) times 16 possible 5th digits plus number of ways to arrange 8s in the last 4 digits (1) times 16 possible 1st digits, all divided by the number of possible arrangements (16^5)

So 8888X or X8888 is (2 * 16) / (16^5)?

And then 8888XX or X8888X or XX8888 is...

(16^2 + 16^2 + 16^2) / (16^6) ???

I did 10 8's (mythic!) at the beggining of the hash (2^4)^10 = 2^40.

I didnt account they could start at any position, so the actual number is probably

(64-10)/2^40 ≈ 1 / 2^35

We should also subtract strings longer than 10 that were double counted. However i think the probability of such things is negligible relative to 2^35.

If instead we were doing 4 8's i think it would be: (64-4)/((2^4)^4) = 60/2^16 ≈ 2^10

I've always been bad at calc probabilities so i may have messed this up.

> Odds of 4 hex 8's in a row given a 5 digit string is number of ways to arrange 8s in the first 4 digits (1) times 16 possible 5th digits plus number of ways to arrange 8s in the last 4 digits (1) times 16 possible 1st digits, all divided by the number of possible arrangements (16^5)

You're double counting "88888". But then again so am i.

Mythic is nine 8's. They didn't put a name for ten.

What's poetic about brute forcing it?

Nobody here has been making them by hand.

Sure, but the worthwhile ones are actual prose.

If you can brute force 9 8's from only English words (or whichever language), I'd still call that impressive.

Holy smokes, these things generate a ton of CO2 if it takes a metric ton to store indefinitely on the blockchain.

That's apparently 1/5-1/8 the CO2 of RUNNING AN ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FOR A YEAR.


The only way I see this as not being terrible is if the offset is much less bad on a yearly basis.

This also seems to be hundreds of times more CO2 than the average US internet user uses in a year.


1T is a huge overcompensation. If you take Ethereum's estimated daily carbon output and divide it by its daily gas units (the unit by which computation is measured) and assign responsiblity that way, minting an Amulet consumes about 20KG CO2 emissions. Transferring one, about half that.

One Bitcoin transaction is about half a tonne of CO2.

(I don't know about this system, is it using the Bitcoin blockchain?)


I don't think it takes a ton, they were probably overcompensating.

does one get a bonus for finding six eights at the beginning?

    fiancee: more important than people.

Boo to all the people finding mythic ones with numbers and whitespace.

I liked this one from the site:

in the early hours of the new year

i lie on my back


I wrote a Discord bot for this: https://fletcher.fun/amulet, it filters all messages for amulets and tells you the sha and rarity if you find one. Example one we found: https://diff.substack.com/p/an-airline-ipo-in-this-economy Common amulet (75b8af8579d81ba3bac788bb118fa78888717eb55c5faf778ea756750c02837d)

reminds me of the reddit bot that lets you know when you accidentaly post a haiku. Internet can be a nice place at times

How come the amulet "Winter evening, a leaf, a blue sky above." renders beyond mythic on their scratchpad (https://text.bargains/scratchpad/), yet it doesn't on the command line?

    echo "Winter evening, a leaf, a blue sky above." | sha256sum

echo adds a trailing newline by default. You'll need to add the -n flag or use printf instead.

Duh! Why didn't I thought of that?! Thanks, it sure works!

This seems like a job for hashcat.

This page has a bunch of examples:


Only 4 8s, but it's a real haiku from Matsuo Bashō: 木枯に岩吹きとがる杉間かな (in utf-8 and without a terminal newline character)

"I minted 4746440866 amulets" to find the ??? (10 eights) 763db5a46ea69a5d88888888880e33ba48eddc4a11d4597eaf2833aac4b5c667

This has been an interesting exercise in threading and optimisation.

My first version of this was Ruby, then moved to C, then optimised it, then added pthreads. It's now running on a 16-core server I had sitting idle.

a3c70168c3488888888888eb265282b11afd40ead6e6a09256f50f57d82644bb - 11 eights.

“I minted 382672219950 amulets” to get that.

853890f18ce8c62c465ae88888888888841538c5d5af35d5077a6e79f04a3c5d - 12 eights.

"I minted 3843483787745 amulets" to get that.

12-eights for "microns turnabouts Como migraines": 9a7e6f41875b444851cb19f018cea83e6565762d88888888888813ac47d39ce7

Although I'm also a fan of "Georgetown surfboarded rips nodding", which hashes to the very pleasant 01234567894a7924a0a568c01ae2f48f93921fc9b4437d7866db3be132411b08

No ascii/spacing tricks, but picking up on the number tricks:

"Haiku Amulet\n1,000,029.\nRefrigerator"

Uncommon - d5537c8974703230d5e5e92b10f459e3a0ed377208192c522e388888325beb72

"Tootsie Roll Pop licks?\n531!\nNever ask the bird."

Uncommon - dd379c5ff831df352a48f5a2a9122d116c3c1b8f3845f488888fbc69a5eeacca

  сonѕtraіnеd ρоem,
  lіmitleѕs hoрe


The 6 byte string "dammit" works. Though I suppose it's not a poem.

How did you find it?

I’m not OP but “I tried all kinds of things and it didn’t work so in frustration I typed...”

That's it!

This Twitter bot tweets any that are verified by the verifier smart contract on the Ethereum chain: https://twitter.com/WildAmulet

Here is a mythic one:

> 29560568 is the answer to life, the universe and everything.

And here is a beyond mythic one:

> 6029497765 is the answer to life, the universe and everything.


Status determined on origination. A dull life. Yet I am epic.

This one is incredible! I've minted it so nobody else can grab it. If you have an Ethereum account, let me know your address so I can transfer it to you.

It's yours :)


an infinity of monkeys typing on 1000 keyboards do not write 1000 amulets. d64d835c41facc37b9c4a65546c9bb0bbbf8ba93ca9888849ad2f4d354896ac1

Would a hash with multiple sequential (separated) 8s be an exceptional rarity or a disqualification for luckiness?

“I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up!”


“Sanitized for your protection.”


“Conscience is what hurts when everything else feels so good.”


“People like stories because people are stories.”


  i should probs be working Lmfao          
you can cheat by adding trailing spaces

> In particular, an amulet’s whitespace, punctuation, and diacritics should all be “load bearing”.

It would be nice if it only considered alphanumerics. Downside: punctuation can mean a lot in poetry. Upside: people might make punctuation less meaningful just to have more strings to try.

and an "uncommon" poem:

    If I am happy today
    It's because of your Helping
    And I'm thankful.
(no need for tabs at the beginning. i just don't know how to add a normal newline)

Only 4 8's doesn't seem rare enough to be interesting.

I suppose it's better than balck pearl. Good night.

Sunshine: the greatest asset in the world...


Now I want to make a quine amulet

How did they compute the SHA-256 of the example given? If I try it I don't get the 8888s

The article links to https://text.bargains/scratchpad/ which matches my own hashes, so I'm not sure why it's not working for you.

Thank you. I had a trailing new line messing the hash.

Maybe you have a newline at the end by accident.

Checking the mythic:

echo -n "29560568 is the answer to life, the universe and everything." | shasum -a 256

Thanks. I did have a trailing newline. Adding that -n fixed it.

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