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MongoHQ (YC S11) Raises $417K From Lerer And SV Angel (techcrunch.com)
82 points by benreyes on June 24, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

Awesome work guys, congratulations!

Anyone who wants to leverage MongoDB without the massive headache of learning all the intricacies yourself (in addition to actually running and developing your startup) should check them out, we've been using them for a long time for all of our player data like leaderboards and user created levels, can't recommend them enough.

Off topic, but I some how knew I'd find a comment from you here. It sounds like you're still happy with their service. That's good to hear. :)

Yup, still loving them. The gigabytes keep coming in too, our main database there is ~20 gig now.

Not saying MongoHQ isn't a nice service, but Mongo is about the easiest database I've ever used...

Using it is not the hard bit. The hard bit is when it falls over, they know what they're doing and can fix it before I even find the right terms to google.

We have 6 servers, a bunch of software spread across them, an immense volume of data arriving every second of every day, and a couple thousand users to take care of. It is really nice to "just use" MongoDB and enjoy all the benefits of it without adding their job to my own.

Oh nice. I've been super happy using MongoHQ for bunches of apps. Everything from big Ars projects to crazy little side experiments.

General question: these reports often state that YC took part in the funding. Does this refer to small investment as part of YCombinator, or some follow-on money?

Congrats to MongoHQ.

I often wonder why the hosted Mongo services aren't offering dedicated servers yet. It seems like an easy opportunity to provide service, automation, and monitoring value add at a high price point. Is the thinking that most customers who would opt for the dedicated instance would just run it themselves to save money?

MonogoHQ is already doing this, not yet at scale. We're using one of those systems right now and have been nothing but pleased with MongoHQ - we've had occasional technical issues, but their team seems to be learning fast from these.

Congrats MongoHQ!

Been using their service for my app and have been completely happy with them. Great support also.

I use their heroku addon. I had an issue on a Sunday evening and was not expecting it to be fixed until Monday. I went to watch a TV programme and come back 15 minutes later (ad break) to find that they had already fixed it! Congrats guys, you are awesome.

Congrats Jason & Ben. This is great for the MongoDB ecosystem.

These guys are really on the ball, and have great empathy for their users/customers. I'd certainly bet money on them.

Congrats guys! We switched over to you a couple of months back and the service has been great so far :)

Congrats! Just signed up for the free plan to dabble. Looks great so far. Very easy to manage.

These guys are awesome ... great service and nice people. Congrats!

Congratulations Jason and Ben!

Congrats, I'm a big fan! Careful on the 100% uptime though

Admittedly, I think that something was lost in translation during the conversation. We are working with the writer to update that phrasing.

I figured that might have happened :)

Congrats guys!

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