Probably there is no semiconductor shortage. You can still order promptly many advanced electronics that use similar parts quickly, GPUs notwithstanding.
Something happened to the people in China who take 10-100 electronic parts manufactured there and turn them into 1, to deliver to assembly in the auto’s destination for the purposes of tariffs (by reducing the count of imported parts from 100 to 1). Because of the weird mechanics of manufacturing origin, which definitely affects how cars and networking equipment have to be made, this is my hypothesis for why we’re only hearing about these issues from a very narrow set of industries and not others.
In terms of what could have happened my bet is it’s going to be pretty horrible.
Something happened to the people in China who take 10-100 electronic parts manufactured there and turn them into 1, to deliver to assembly in the auto’s destination for the purposes of tariffs (by reducing the count of imported parts from 100 to 1). Because of the weird mechanics of manufacturing origin, which definitely affects how cars and networking equipment have to be made, this is my hypothesis for why we’re only hearing about these issues from a very narrow set of industries and not others.
In terms of what could have happened my bet is it’s going to be pretty horrible.