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Have you been following open source deepfake technology? Recent models are convincingly realistic in 640x360 (the default zoom resolution)

I was mystified by a series of videos of rather serious politicians singling ridiculous songs, then found the clips were generated in Wombo.app.

It’s a funny little gimmick, but it had me questioning things I’ve previously seen and thought real.


Do you mind sharing some links? I’d love to see the most recent versions

In a parallel comment[1]. I wouldn't know it is a deepfake.


This could mean that video calls can be compressed more aggressively. I.e., just send someone's face once, and then send posture and facial expression parameters for the remainder of the session.

That's a great idea. You could have low latency, high def, high FPS video convos. Couldn't someone launch a plausible competitor to Zoom doing this? I'd certainly prefer that service.

Nvidia is working on it already. https://developer.nvidia.com/maxine

The downside is that we will lose our #1 reason for having symmetric upload/download speeds in residential areas.

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