It shows an forward and aft mooring points, so my assumption would be is that at anchors are put in the ocean bed and that the whole structure is held in place by cables.
It also shows a "Two-bladed pitching hub allows bidirectional operation", so I take that to mean the blades are rotated in the hub depending on which way the tide is flowing.
> how power is transmitted back to shore,
Article says there is a static sea-bed cable that that is connected via a "dynamic" cable to the turbine.
> how it's anchored in place. > whether it's bi-directional
Very high level overview of the platform here:
It shows an forward and aft mooring points, so my assumption would be is that at anchors are put in the ocean bed and that the whole structure is held in place by cables.
It also shows a "Two-bladed pitching hub allows bidirectional operation", so I take that to mean the blades are rotated in the hub depending on which way the tide is flowing.