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It shouldn't only come down to "on the iTunes platform". What about the user's ability to maintain access?

I have a similar situation with Google. I've had a Google Apps for buisness account for a few years so I can can use email on my personal domain. I made the mistake of 'purchasing' some media on that account.

I've since switched my mail over to fastmail but can't quite bring myself to close the Google account because I paid for every episode of the American The Office and might want to watch it again ... one day.

Of course Google's customer service worse than useless. Can't transfer the 'purchases' to a free google account. Can't refund. Do I cut my losses or keep paying for the account subscription?

The answer is never buy anything from Google (or equivalent, such as Apple) but that's not a very mainstream solution.

Not that I want to encourage piracy, but at this point, if you already paid for them, why not torrent the episodes so you keep a copy?

Pirate it. That's easily more ethical than paying Google for nothing.

Yeah...technical legalities aside, I have no moral qualms with downloading an unencumbered digital copy of something I already paid for.

I guess you could argue that the cost I paid may have been lower due to the limited nature of the format/platform, but eh...I'm already trying not to be a total mooch so it'll do.

> but that's not a very mainstream solution

Sometimes you gotta get off the train that speeds towards a cliff, even if it means going by foot for a while.

Aside from the hassle involved, any reason you couldn't try to get a class-action lawsuit started?

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