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I don't know any details, but my understanding if that manufacturing vaccines is quite difficult.

Me neither, but I find it hard to believe that it is more difficult than remaining stuck in the pandemic.

As far as I know, Germany helped BioNtech with their new plant but even then it took at least half a year to get that going. And that was despite the fact that they could buy and adapt it instead of building it from scratch.

For example, in software, maybe it takes a single developer a year to build a compiler for some advanced language and we can speed it up to 3 months by adding some people. But could we get to a week by adding 12x more? We can‘t and it may be the same with vaccine production.

All good points indeed!

I was referring more to the discourse, which seems to be about heightening nationalistic sentiments by pitting governments against each other fighting over a small stockpile, rather than highlighting the progress/pitfalls/ongoing support needs of collaborative initiatives to provide scaled solutions.

But maybe this is just a sign that I need to broaden my media inputs, always a good thing to do.

The manufacturing process is a matter of precision engineering. "Remaining stuck" is just... psychologically difficult? How do you compare which one is "more difficult"?

Your comment makes absolutely no sense.

I would have taken your question seriously if you didn't follow it up with an over-generalised and rude remark.

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