One may wonder whether the repetitive attacks against Linus on the tone he’s using, until he had to take a break, isn’t a way to cut down Linux’ ability to perform by cutting its head, which would be absolutely excellent for closed-source companies and Amazon.
Imagine: If Linux loses its agility, we may have to either “Use Windows because it has continued upgrades” or “purchase Amazon’s version of Linux” which would be the only ones properly maintained and thus certified for, say, government purpose or GDPR purpose.
(I’m paying Debian but I’m afraid that might not be enough).
There are always the BSDs if something happens. Not quite as popular, but the major ones are good enough that to take over completely. (as in if you thought someone would kill you for using Linux you can replace all your linux with some BSD by the end of the day and in a month forget about it) Don't take that as better - that is a different discussion, but they are good enough to substitute and move on for the most part.