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> The only frustrating thing is how clearly it's been highlighted that the rich and powerful countries get all the vaccines and we'll only get them here once everyone in the west has been vaccinated three times over.

One can only be ashamed about the state of things. There are NGOs which try to help, but this is clearly not enough. And it is dumb, too - we will not get rid of the virus until all countries work together and help each other. It is a global issue, and our leaders do not have half enough brain to understand that.

I mean, it’s not that they don’t understand this, it’s that they understand their electorate wants the vaccine first, and if they can’t get a vaccine while the news tells them their politicians sent vaccine supply to Vietnam they’ll vote you out of office. So you end up with half hearted things like this that seem designed to generate the least controversy: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/02/18/covid-vaccine-update-biden-t...

Basically handing money out to NGO’s so they generate headlines as helping and not the US government for the time being.

> The administration stressed that the globally-focused funds will have no impact on the U.S. domestic vaccination program.

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