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Why would you install the desktop app? Isn't it Electron anyways, so aren't you basically running the same thing as you would in the browser, except now you've replaced the exceptionally well sandboxed, trusted browser with an outdated, unsandboxed browser and have given an app that doesn't need this access to your entire system?

Easier separation of ideas. I want to be able to close my browser while still keeping VoIP running. Alt-Tab-ing is far superior UX compared to trying to find the VoIP tab in browser. Over all UX is way nicer with separate application even if it is just another browser running.

Not sure why this is downvoted (if that's what the light gray represents). I wouldn't install any Electron app when an app works equally well within a browser like Firefox, doubly so in my case considering my Firefox is running in firejail already.

People like you and the OP are rather rare among users. Most people just do not care about the data collection or the Electron-ness. They just want to use Discord.

> Why would you install the desktop app?

In-game push-to-talk requires a desktop app.

would seem to be easy enough to hack up a minimal browser extension to support that

chrome extensions can register global hotkeys

Yeah... Do not use the already existing wheels fiddle your own shitty wheels

> Why would you install the desktop app?

Not sure if this is still the case but the browser version didn't have the same noise suppression features as the desktop client.

Another minor thing for me was that the desktop client doesn't stack with the browser window in the taskbar (i.e. I can still 1 click both if I only have 1 browser window open which I usually do) and it can be minimized into the system tray.

>Why would you install the desktop app?

It scans executables running on my system and switches to "Streamer mode" when I start OBS.

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