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I can't download any of the pdf's -- the download just fails. I'd really like a copy of this, could you possibly send me one?

I still can't get the full download, even after the update. I've been trying all day. It gives it a good try, but cuts off about 1/3rd of the way through. I'm still very much wanting a copy.

I think it is just because it is on the front page of HN. I had more hits today than in the last year! Just wait a couple of days. It's not going anywhere and there hasn't historically been a problem with downloading it.

I'm just curious as to why it starts and cuts off. It doesn't seem useful to randomly terminate downloads whenever new requests come in.

I think it just has a time-out which is quite short (it's not my server it's mounted on). When the traffic is heavy this is activated before the download completes. I have managed to compress it to about half size now, and I'm uploading that at the moment. It takes about an hour because Rogers pointlessly throttle my upload speed at home.

Just use a download tool which can continue interrupted downloads. For example wget with "-c" option:

    wget -c http://web4.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/s.prince/book.pdf

The author took it down and will repost it in a bit with all the small edits included.

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