For those who wonder how useful JavaScript closures can be. They are very useful. Take a simple pattern. You are iterating through a statement, and you want to use the variable i of the statement in another function.
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {;
This works fine. And the console displays 1, 2, 3 and 4. But let's suppose that you have the following code:
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
$(DOMelement:eq(i)).click(function() {;
The console will always display "4" whichever DOMelement you clicked. Surprise? That's because it calls i which holds 4. JavaScript passed the argument by reference to i and by the time you clicked, the iterations already finished.
JavaScript closures help solve this problem (Luckily). Here is how:
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
$(DOMelement:eq(i)).click(function() {
return function() {;
That's because JavaScript returns now a new function for each DOM element. Each new function holds the i value while iteration and now the final value.
I think you're correct. His interior function is still just another closure around the original var i.
Also, this feels like piling on, but I think the original (intentionally erroneous) example would print '5' repeatedly rather than '4'. var i ends up with the value 5.
For a mental model, pretend that variables are referring to storage locations in an array and you reference them using indices - v = [..., v[100], v[101], v[102], v[103], ....]
For example, take the function in the stackoverflow answer -
function foo(x) {
var tmp = 3;
return function (y) {
alert(x + y + (++tmp));
When you make a call to foo(10), pretend that the bound variables in the body of the function get assigned sequence numbers starting from 100 -
function foo() {
v[100] = 10; // x = 10
v[101] = 3; // var tmp = 3;
return function (y) {
alert(v[100] + y + (++(v[101])));
So you get as the result,
function (y) {
alert(v[100] + y + (++(v[101])));
'y' remains as such because it hasn't been bound to a value just yet. That will happen only when you call this result function.
Now, when you call foo another time like foo(20), the sequence continues from 102 ...
function foo() {
v[102] = 20; // x = 20
v[103] = 3; // var tmp = 3;
return function (y) {
alert(v[102] + y + (++(v[103])));
So you get another function as the result -
function (y) {
alert(v[102] + y + (++(v[103])));
The store now reads v[100] = 10, v[101] = 3, v[102] = 20 and v[103] = 3.
It becomes clear what the two result functions do. Note that they do not share the same storage locations and therefore the two ++ calls increment different storage locations.
In this model, each "var" statement and each argument of a function causes the index assigned to be incremented on a function call, and unbound variables do not cause increments. The behaviour of closures created in javascript is as though such an indefinitely increasing numbering scheme is being used under the hood.
A closure is the hotel room key that you kept so you could always access all items you hid in there, and the hotel personnel cooperating with the whole ordeal.
Could be expanded further to describe when generating multiple functions, each with a reference to an object is a useful design pattern in JavaScript, and when it's a common mistake.
Could do, but the aim of my answer was to keep it short and simple and not a full reference to closures (there are some good links on this page with more detail for that).
Javascript closures are more fun than most other languages, because the scope chain can be changed after the closure has been created.
Try explaining this to a 6-year old:
function foo(o) {
eval("var x = 10;");
with (o) {
return function(e) {
if (typeof e == "string") eval(e);
return x;
this.x = 42;
var f = foo({x : 37});
alert(f("var x = 13"));
alert(f("delete x"));
alert(f("delete x"));
Each call returns a different variable called "x".
If we learned to program in lisp, scheme, haskell, or some other language with (dare i say?) sane semantics we'd be wondering what all the fuss about closures was:
JavaScript closures help solve this problem (Luckily). Here is how:
That's because JavaScript returns now a new function for each DOM element. Each new function holds the i value while iteration and now the final value.