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Most of my Kobo time is spent viewing Pocket articles.

I save links to Pocket during the day, and in my down time I read them on my Kobo.

I had the same reading flow but I gradually got annoyed by how many web pages Pocket wouldn’t parse correctly, then how some pages wouldn’t display correctly on the Kobo. For instance some pages would have the text aligned to the right.

Now I’d like to find something as straightforward as the Firefox integration for Pocket to send any page in PDF to my reMarkable tablet.

Huh, odd; I've only had issues with paywalled sources.

I did this, but found I was saving way more articles than I ever had time for. Before long my backlog of stiff to read was overwhelmingly long, so I quit saving articles.

It's the same with video games and books; you have to find a way to overcome the desire to finish things.

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