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You haven't demonstrated that anyone /is/ entering into contracts with Intel.

Intel has done lots of things that it turns out people didn't want to do (with them).

They absolutely have people signing up, none of it has been publicly announced (that I've seen) but we already know they were doing custom designs for Facebook/Amazon/MS so they would be logical first-takers.

> They absolutely have people signing up, none of it has been publicly announced

I can't tell if you're saying you have insider information or you're just assuming they're getting customers with no evidence.

None of those are OXMs and are the end customer. That is totally different than what your original assertion was.

So tell me what an OXM is? Because Amazon sells outpost, an appliance, to end users.

And Annapurna (owned by Amazon) sells CPUs to all sorts of vendors, including Ubiquiti and Synology.

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