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Look at university research labs, and see where they get their funding from.

Companies tend to fund applied research.

Funding in Europe, whether academic or industry motivated, is simply lacking across all scientific, engineering, and social science disciplines.

You seriously think that university research in the US is largely funded or driven by companies? This is utterly wrong.

*Edit*. The question is why the united states has the "best research universities". That is a very general-level question and the Parent made a very general, and very wrong, claim in response. Regardless of whether some specific fields might have more industrial funding than others, it's easy to google the overall portion: and industry funding is quite minor.


Depending on the field, it can be. Lots of University-affiliated labs in the medical field get significant industry funding.

> is largely funded or driven by companies

GP never implied it was the largest contributor, and yes, depending on your field a significant amount of funding does come from the private sector.

> You seriously think that university research in the US is largely funded or driven by companies? This is utterly wrong.

Slow down there bud. Where did I say that?

Unless you’re talking about AI/ML, then yes, university labs receive more from companies, than government funding agencies.

> Slow down there bud. Where did I say that?

If I miserepresented you, then I am sorry.

> Unless you’re talking about AI/ML, then yes, university labs receive more from companies, than government funding agencies.

This is simply untrue. Companies comprise less than 10% of overall university research funding, and AI/ML is far from dominant. It's easy to verify this.

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