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Besides, there is a difference between the actual type of the objects `a` and `b` in `a == b` and the structural type you specify in an annotation.

For instance:

  from typing import Protocol

  class MyClass:
      def method_a(self) -> None:

      def method_b(self) -> None:

  class ProtocolA(Protocol):
      def method_a(self) -> None:

  class ProtocolB(Protocol):
      def method_b(self) -> None:

  def compare(a: ProtocolA, b: ProtocolB):
      if a == b:
          print("a == b")
          print("a != b")

  a = MyClass()
  b = MyClass()

  compare(a, b)

Clearly, you would expect the output to be "a == b".

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