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>> We do. Plenty of developers fund FSFE, Conservancy, EFF and so on.

> Then carry on. Obviously the Free Software movement is not your cup of tea. You will probably feel more comfortable in the OSS movement. More business oriented.

I find it interesting that you consider FSFE and SFC as irelevant to Free Software and sugest OSS.

Goodpoint did not suggest the OSI. Why do you bring forwared the whole free vs open source discussion?

I would say in recent times SFC has done a lot more for free software than the FSF. Name one thing of note that the FSF has done in the last decade.

> I find it interesting that you consider FSFE and SFC as irelevant to Free Software and sugest OSS.

FSFE is using the FSF name without authorization and also are accepting Microsoft's money which is at least questionable[1]

It is also a very toxic working place, but that has nothing to do with Free Software[2]

[1] http://techrights.org/2020/08/22/fsf-fsfe-dispute/ [2] https://fsfellowship.eu/court-case-fsfe-women-and-volunteers...

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