Ever wondered why so many crypto projects come from China and Russia and former Soviet states?
Because people who live there know what oppressive governments can do and how unreliable fiat is. I don't think people in the developed world understand it because they haven't really faced oppressive governments.
In US, BTC had a use such as on Silkroad for drugs and other stuff; in China, at least from what I understand, it has a use of transferring assets out of the country.
If you talk about China specifically, the average people wouldn't consider governments 'oppressive', the approval rate for government is actually quite high.
Are you sure it's not because that's where cyber attacks come from? Because you do know that trading cryptos is illegal in China. Do you have any data to back up your assertion?
Because people who live there know what oppressive governments can do and how unreliable fiat is. I don't think people in the developed world understand it because they haven't really faced oppressive governments.