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I am not supporting RMS. However after what I have read from him and FSF I just accept what they say. Because I try understand what happened and not to be distracted by outrage. After all outrage is just words.

I think:

- RMS did or said something neurotypical people tend to avoid.

- There was no malice in what RMS did or said.

- People either don't understand, have a beef with RMS, or are riding the bandwagon of outrage and cancel culture.

I have family members on the spectrum so I understand that people are often clumsy, boneheaded and annoying, and so is RMS. I also learned that narcisstic people like to exploit the ineptitude of people on the spectrum. One way is to raise a ruckus about something unimportant but exploitable to raise outrage.

Please suck it up as a mistake and forgive them.

And! It's not about the real evil wrongdoings of certain other people!

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