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From your link in an earlier comment:

"leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world."

Insulting someone through links. I think that's a new one. Clever. And now you try to take the an invisible high road. Brilliant really.

Once again. Attack the person, not the argument. While my college course in Logic dates back a few decades, I think that logical fallacy pretty much says, paraphrasing: Reality isn't changed by attacking the messenger.

Hey man. Live long and prosper. Enough.

If you want to invest your identity in being a fan of Ayn Rand enough that you feel personally insulted by somebody critiquing the behavior of her characters and her devotees, then that is your prerogative. Not one I feel responsible for, though. Again, you seem very wrapped up in your notions. To the extent that rather than dealing with the message, you're attacking the messenger.

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