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> In my opinion, "I'm sorry you were offended enough to stop supporting me" is not a sincere apology.

I'm surprised at the lack of empathy towards what seems a pretty genuine attempt at introspection.

To me it seems obvious that RMS is a person with a handicap and deserves at least a little understanding and support, especially since he is openly acknowledging his difference.

He always said he was different. His statement doesn't evince any new understanding.

He portrays himself as willing to learn. People who worked with him have different stories.[1]

[1] http://ebb.org/bkuhn/blog/2019/10/15/fsf-rms.html

This is a pretty callous and uncharitable dismissal of rms' message. Everybody can better themselves despite what their peers might believe.

His peers don't say he can't better himself. They say he resists it extraordinarily strongly.

Feeling more empathy for people who deal with him isn't callous.

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