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I read this and RMS's statement. I've been saying Stallman needs to go for adecade or more, I believe his fanaticism holds back the organization and movement.

However, after reading his statement, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt IF he not only sees now that he's been ofensive, but is more willing to listen to criticism in the future. If he TRULY recognizes he's got social issues and communication problems, then he MUST be more willing to give and take, and not be so rigid. I can truly believe he didn't understand the allegations against Minsky because I truly believe RMS frequently takes stances on issues where he has minimal knowledge of the facts.

The problem is I don't see that concession in his apology or the FSF statement. I think this is preobably a bad move. I think RMS is not only not-irreplaceble, I think there people who could be much more effective in that role.

> he not only sees now that he's been ofensive, but is more willing to listen to criticism in the future.

Spoiler alert: He won't. He's been problematic for decades, and it's extremely difficult for someone like him to change at the drop of a hat.

He's been willing to listen to criticism for 30 years alright. He just doesn't change or learn anything as a result.

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