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Funny enough, it's a rather common trope in fiction, which loves to stereotype people into stratums by any imaginable criteria. IIRC blog posts were pointing out the geographical specialization in Hunger Games and saying that it's pretty ridiculous because not fault-tolerant. Basically, if California were to break off and fall into the ocean, a huge chunk of US tech and entertainment sectors would disappear.

Ah, and the second objection is cost of transportation, I think. Which is probably the main real-life reason to have at least some finance and law firms in CA and not shuttle all documents to NY or Dover and back again.

One of those would be a problem.

You really don't think that the US exports a ton of media and entertainment? And that, for example, it happens to impose and protect copyright laws to make sure those profits continue?

I have trouble finding the export figures, but there's this:

> The global media and entertainment market was worth $1.9 trillion in 2016, with extrapolations ranging to $2.14 trillion by 2020. About one third of the total ($735 billion in 2017) is made up by the U.S. entertainment industry.

Edit: seems the export figure is quite a bit smaller, CNN lists tv/movies together with software at 49 billion: https://money.cnn.com/2018/03/07/news/economy/top-us-exports...

I actually would be more concern about the food produced in California.

The tech will be figured out elsewhere. The data center outside of the region would be fine.

Yeah, as 2020 has shown me, I'll get pretty bored without a steady stream of new entertainment to enjoy.

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