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> What stops [tax havens] from continuing to have low corporate tax rates?

Nothing. But if Apple has $100B (out of $300B), as an example, in revenue in the US then the US gets to tax 1/3 of their income. If other countries decline to do likewise, well that's their choice. But tax havens are a scourge.

We've gone full Ayn Rand here where the people whose wealth was made possible by the stability and infrastructure in the countries they made that wealth in want to avoid at all costs paying for that stability and infrastructure. It's ludicrous and unsustainable.

Eliminating transfer pricing (both IP and non-IP) is a way of avoiding this race to the bottom as globally mobile capital perpetually moves chasing the lowest tax rates and short-term incentives.

> But if Apple has $100B (out of $300B), as an example, in revenue in the US then the US gets to tax 1/3 of their income.

That is already happening.

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