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Given Googles poor track record for creating new products in recent years this all makes sense.

Google has a great track record for creating new products. It’s the longevity and overall follow through that is lacking.

Yes and in Android, where I observed this, it's going to some of the worst. It was a defensive move instead of true insight into what mobile look like. Perhaps the one driving differentiated vision might be "open". But as the OEM world increasingly moves towards a collection of Apples, longevity and followthrough are going to be tough to deliver. I still think there is some great product muscle in areas like Google Cloud. Despite being highly competitive with AWS and Azure, at least it's born out of a desire to share their own best infrastructure with the rest of the world. They should be doing this and feels important. Despite Google shuttering the game studio, I think products like Stadia are going to do well, built on the backbone of Youtube (casting streams or jumping into existing with your game) and Assistant (in game tutorials/help). When you are as big as Google some things are just going to be sputtering and unfortunately that was in the area I worked.

Many Google "products" have come through acquisitions. The work product of others placed under a Google moniker.

And many of their most successful products were 20% engineer inventions.

I mean, how many of us have dozens of half finished projects sitting around before it gets dumped for the next new shiny?

Most of us, I guess. But we don't launch those products to millions of users before we loose interest in them.

It is relative though. A million users to Google is like 10 users to us, right?

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