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> most of their projects failed. I think they need to rethink their management and strategy before everything goes to the ground.

Lots of projects fail. It's the nature of R&D. You should see the number of products Google has shut down.

Besides, the project that Mozilla gets the most flack for? Firefox OS. Turned out to be a great idea? Why? Because Apple and Google anti competitively bundle their own browsers with their own mobile OSes.

Yes, sadly Firefox OS failed. But the future (now, present) of web is mobile: Mozilla had to try.

Firefox OS didn't fail: it is now known as KaiOS and is present on vast, vast quantities of "smart feature" phones in places like India. I recall Mozilla specifically talking about how to approach the next billion people to come online. It is admittedly a nuanced reading, but I think they succeeded on those terms. Still, the experience is very different to the one on Firefox OS as-was in 2015 or so.

Apologies for no citations, but I recall a talk from 2014 or so at Mozfest in London and not much else. I've also owned a KaiOS phone - the Nokia 8110 and can say aside from a lack of apps it is great.

Not to mention a fork of Firefox OS is probably the 3rd most used mobile operating system now: https://www.kaiostech.com/

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