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A think I have been realizing a lot, is that in all aspects of life, a person of even average intelligence can easily imagine how things ought to be. The licensing office should be more organize, the software should start instantly, the government should be more efficient, etc etc.

However we are humans, only recently evolve from something a bit like an ape. Hampered by emotions and constant fits of irrationality. Actually achieving the correct behaviors that we can easily imagine is very hard and very rare.

So we are correct in our criticisms but could be more calm and understanding about the fact that everything is terrible, and strive to make even very small improvements and enjoy those.

A think I have been realizing a lot, is that in all aspects of life, a person of even average intelligence can easily imagine how things ought to be. The licensing office should be more organize, the software should start instantly, the government should be more efficient, etc etc

I don't believe this is true, an average person can easily imagine a local maxima, but everyone's local maxima is different.

For example it might be very convenient for person A if the licensing office were open 24 hours but probably not so convenient for person B who would have to cover the night shift every other week or person C whose taxes would need to pay for it. And so on.

Nearly every sub-optimality from one perspective is an optimality from another.

True, but don’t forget that the frequency and severity of those fits of irrationality depends tremendously on how accepted irrationally is (and what personal consequences it carries). I know it sounds like a contradiction, but I think we need both high standards and an understanding that working together on intellectual tasks is hard.

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