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You have everyone arguing about whether $600 is too much for photoshop, but everyone should note that you can also get it for $10/mo. It doesn’t get you all the other adobe products, just photoshop and lightroom, but that’s fine for a ton of people.

The post I replied to was talking about multiple Abode products, so I don't think the focus on Photoshop is my fault.

Oh yeah definitely not blaming you, just trying to do a PSA for the discussion. People are probably focusing on it because the article emphasized it.

That’s just photoshop though, honestly if you work in a field that needs this software photoshop alone is just one piece of the puzzle, once you add another app the cost goes so high it forces you to get all of them.

Depending on your use case, you can get similar products for a one-time purchase of less than $40.

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