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I was just reading the beginning of Arvid Kahl's Zero to Sold. He recommends using a tech stack that you already know and have lots of muscle memory with. I couldn't agree with him more. [1]

This tech stack looks over-engineered upon first glance, but I don't know much about the author or his product.

I use Kubernetes a fair bit whilst developing OpenFaaS and teaching people about K3s, but there is a whole world of development teams who aren't prepared to consider it as an option. One of the reasons we created "faasd" [2] (single-node OpenFaaS) was to help people who just wanted to run some code, but didn't want to take "Kubernetes mastery 101"

For a small app using a managed service like Cloud Run plus some cloud storage should get you very far. I saw that Heroku is still popular with the indie community, with the author of Bannerbear getting a lot of value from the managed platform.

[1] https://thebootstrappedfounder.com/ [2] https://github.com/openfaas/faasd

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