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I already have to debug C/legacy C++ code (“C with classes”) on a daily basis for my day job, so I sure certainly am not going to waste my free time doing it. The best I can do is be an evangelist for better practices, a fly on the ass of people who still pump C into the garbage stream of the internet.

Since the text in your parent post is more or less the same of your last comment from 10 hours ago, I agree you are in a sort of "keyword oriented" evangelization crusade against good'ol C. The question would be, why caring so much?

Hey, as long as people keeps writing C and C with classes, you'll have a day job.

Yeah, it’s shocking that almost every day I log onto HN and see either (1) security exploits in legacy C code or, (2) new C code being introduced into the world that invites the same exploits to the untrained programmer. The same way people keep repeating the same mistakes, I will keep repeating my criticisms. We’re stuck in an infinite loop.

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