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Poll: HNSearch Contest Voting
124 points by andres on June 20, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 25 comments
Thanks again to everyone who submitted an app for the HNSearch API contest (http://www.hnsearch.com/contest). We received 28 submissions and couldn't be happier with the results.

The winner of the contest will be the app with the most number of votes at midnight tonight (Monday, June 20th 11:59pm EST). Please try them all and let the authors know what you think.

Vote for your favorite apps!

HN Trends by sant0sk1 - http://hntrends.jerodsanto.net
93 points
HN Visual Search - http://hnsearch.heroku.com
48 points
Best of $user - http://bitovod.com/hn/best-of
37 points
HNTrends by qF - http://www.hntrends.dotcloud.com/
37 points
Hacker News GeoIP Search - http://geoipsearch.jfriedly.dotcloud.com/
19 points
HNMood - http://hnmood.com
18 points
HNInstant - http://hninstant.com
17 points
PopDots - http://jflatow.github.com/popdots/ui.html
15 points
FeedHint Custom HN Feeds - http://feedhint.com
14 points
iPhone App - https://github.com/qhoxie/newsyc
14 points
HNChat - http://hnchat.philipds.dotcloud.com/
14 points
HNSearch Ruby Library - https://github.com/ryanatwork/hacker_news_search
13 points
pyhn - http://pyhn.gnocchi.dotcloud.com/
12 points
HN Search by Ian Burris - http://ianburris.com/hnsearch/
12 points
HNSearch Mobile - http://hnsearch.mobi
9 points
HNJS - http://www.hnjs.dotcloud.com
9 points
HN Reveal - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kpmlnebfcgjcohlbodopejeiodegedap
9 points
Hacker News Sidebar - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hhedbplnihmkekhgmaoikgfbkjjaocnl
8 points
HN Sentiment Bookmarklet - http://hnmood.appspot.com
7 points
Improved HNSearch Interface - http://sc.nightserve.net/
7 points
Shomi - http://shomi.associatedtechs.com/
7 points
HNTop100 - http://HNTop100.com
6 points
HNSearch Topics - http://zacharymaril.com/HNSearch/Topics/testing-api.html
5 points
Android Ticker Tape - http://www.socialmediaticker.com/SocialMediaTicker.apk
5 points
iHNteresting - http://pewpewlabs.com/ihnt/
5 points
Unscatter HN Search Tag - http://www.unscatter.com/search/?q=%2Fhn+facebook&t=test+%2Fhn
5 points
Save My Search - http://beta.mindcast.com/sms
4 points
HN Vote Button - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/detail/keplliehhgghgaopgmodonjfcpjafaam
4 points

I didn't even realize there was a contest until this morning, but I merged in qhoxie's pull request to news:yc (listed as "iPhone App" in the voting options) yesterday, and I have to say, it works quite well.

I'm in the process of submitting a build of news:yc with the search support to the App Store now, so look for it in a week or two. Thanks again qhoxie for the patch!

Thanks for the quick feedback and the merge!

I love "HN Trends by sant0sk1", but it really needs to normalize for the change in traffic over time. Instead of a raw number of points, it should be a percentage of all points, otherwise, all graphs look like this:

  |         /
  |       /
  |     /
  |   /
  | /

I just pushed a change which adjusts the results to account for HN's growth. Let me know what you think!

Agreed. HNTrends by qF looks pretty nice. If only it allowed you to compare multiple keywords. Looks like trends is a common theme with it showing up in http://ianburris.com/hnsearch/ too.

yep, just submitted my hn trends entry here: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2673357

I tried the vs thing to allow multiple things to be compared but tbh it didn't really add a lot on the comparrisons I tried out. I went for giving a summary of the top stories for the search term instead with an indication of where the big discussions were.

You can compare multiple keywords. Just separate by commas.

Just a little background on the iPhone submission. The work was done on a fork of news:yc (http://newsyc.me). The author has already merged the changes in, so those of you using the app will receive an update with search.

Here is how it looks: http://img.skitch.com/20110620-1mewpjkhy72hbhghw2ycmtjjpa.jp...

There could be a spike in HN Trend's traffic http://twitter.com/#!/timoreilly/status/82824209721597952

Best of $user is fascinating. I really enjoyed, and I mean this in a non arrogant manner, reading my best comments. I was like, what a dick!

Regarding my Ticker Tape app here's my original description with a bit of explanation on what it is:

OK - I have no illusions about winning the contest, but just for fun I gave it a go by adding support to my existing Android app, SocialMediaTicker. My app is designed for when your device is charging or otherwise idle and is a bit of an eye-candy display. It's a 3D, interactive ticker-tape type display that scrolls facebook feeds, twitter streams, news headlines, photos, rss feeds, etc. Click once to stop an item, click on it again to call up the full photo, story, rss feed, etc.

For HN, I added a headline search capability and also made it part of my experimental Twitter Trends mashup where the search terms for content automatically come from the currently trending topics under Twitter. This can be hit-and-miss for HN as oftentimes Twitter trending terms don't match well to the topics found under HN, but other times I've been surprised about what pops up.

If you want to give the mashup a try, I'd turn most other content off, turn the mashup on, sit back and watch what happens! Configuration of all content can be found in the preferences menu. By default HN is off.

To give it a try on your Android, download the app here:


Feedback appreciated!

Apps with clickable links:

HN Visual Search - http://hnsearch.heroku.com

PopDots - http://jflatow.github.com/popdots/ui.html

HNInstant - http://hninstant.com

HNTop100 - http://HNTop100.com

HNSearch Ruby Library - https://github.com/ryanatwork/hacker_news_search

HNSearch Topics - http://zacharymaril.com/HNSearch/Topics/testing-api.html

HNSearch Mobile - http://hnsearch.mobi

Android Ticker Tape - http://www.socialmediaticker.com/SocialMediaTicker.apk

HN Sentiment Bookmarklet - http://hnmood.appspot.com

Improved HNSearch Interface - http://sc.nightserve.net/

FeedHint Custom HN Feeds - http://feedhint.com

iPhone App - https://github.com/qhoxie/newsyc

HNJS - http://www.hnjs.dotcloud.com

Best of $user - http://bitovod.com/hn/best-of

HNTrends by qF - http://www.hntrends.dotcloud.com/

HNChat - http://hnchat.philipds.dotcloud.com/

Save My Search - http://beta.mindcast.com/sms

HNMood - http://hnmood.com

iHNteresting - http://pewpewlabs.com/ihnt/

Hacker News Sidebar - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hhedbplnihmkekhgma...

HN Vote Button - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/detail/kepllieh...

HN Trends by sant0sk1 - http://hntrends.jerodsanto.net

pyhn - http://pyhn.gnocchi.dotcloud.com/

Shomi - http://shomi.associatedtechs.com/

HN Search by Ian Burris - http://ianburris.com/hnsearch/

Hacker News GeoIP Search - http://geoipsearch.jfriedly.dotcloud.com/

Unscatter HN Search Tag - http://www.unscatter.com/search/?q=%2Fhn+facebook&t=test...

HN Reveal - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kpmlnebfcgjcohlbod...

Hi, just wanted to let you know that I've added some details about the HN Vote button on http://hnvote.itaisatati.com/. Please update the link.

Too late for the contest but please check it out. HN Follow: Find discussions that interested you http://hnfollow.ep.io/

Any suggestions or comments is welcome.

Edit: HN Thread http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2674880

I've occasionally run into some bugs with the /hn tags on unscatter.com, over all I've found it a pretty useful addition since I've added it. /hn has already made it to the list of tags I use for my daily search on unscatter.com http://www.unscatter.com/search/?q=riak+%2Fdate&t=mongod...

The best part was I'm willing to bet unscatter.com among the first entries. I believe I had all 3 tags available about an hour after the contest started.

Really impressed with ThriftDB. Wish I could remember the name of the API based crawler I saw recently. The 2 together could be a pretty good hosted search experience.

I'm just gonna plug my submission real quick: check out Shomi. I just added the charting whatnot to it, which so far seems marginally useful but kinda cool. You can search for stuff like "recent comments by [username]", "top comments by [username]", "top submissions", etc. The UI is fairly OK; I'll make the search functionality more interesting after I get a couple hours' sleep.

Leave some suggestions and I'll see what I can tackle in a bit.

This is great, it let me quickly relocate mechanical_fish's classic "gone to the zoo" metaphor. Probably still the all-time best post I've read on HN: http://bitovod.com/hn/best-of?limit=100&username=mechani...

my entry, HN Sentiment Bookmarklet (http://hnmood.appspot.com) and HNMood (http://hnmood.com) are totally coincidental :)

Yes they are, though my email is in my profile if you would like to talk :) I'm the one behind http://hnmood.com

well, it's just a simple project, pulling the comments from hnsearch and passing them through the AlchemyAPI. Thought about doing something else with the website, but my conclusion was that a bookmarklet to analyse the comments in place was more useful. you project looks very cool

Nice, just 14 hours later and this is now item #152 on HN. :-)

If you created any of these entries and you are looking for work, like contract or full time, you should post on this entry. These submissions are impressive.

Is contest over?

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