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I too have a helios4 and i like it for it's ECC Support but it has a plethora of drawbacks.

* 32bit OS means maximum 16TB Partition Size

* it's not fast at all. It can barely saturate a Gbit connection without any encryption using HTTP. Even with the Crypto Engine enabled, any encryption and the connection drops significantly

* Depending on which version you got, the fans are quite annoying, no matter which version you got, the fans are quite ineffective

* it has at least one known hardware bug concerning SATA and the internal Flash.

* WOL and the internal Watchdog are hit or miss at best

On the other hand the linux support and documentation is top notch so i dont want to complain too much but i am kinda disappointed with the speed i got from it

Ah. I haven't run into speed or capacity issues (different use cases & preferences, I suppose).

For the fans - I am not using the included case. I have one stock fan on top of the SOC and one 120mm fan for the disks. The stock fan is decently loud on bootup, but it stops or low-speed during regular operation.

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