After he claimed that Apple is sponsoring LLVM/clang solely to undermine freedom, and said “The human race has a susceptibility to harm, but Mr. Zuckerberg has attained an unenviable record. He has done more harm to the human race than anybody else his age", I have a hard time taking Moglen seriously.
Neither of these claims were made in the linked video btw. I would definitely recommend the linked video.
I am not sure when or how he made the LLVM claim, but I would understand Zuckerberg claim. Eben considers the right of anonymity a very important right and facebook has made the biggest assault on anonymity on the net ever. It is actually erie how they have managed to remove anonymity from a huge swats of the net without the users complaining at all.
Hidden, uncertain, common costs just aren't accounted for.
The loss of freedom is easily invisible, and the actual cost very hard to measure. Plus, it's a common. More individual freedom for others often mean more for yourself. (Case in point: anonymity: more other nodes means you're harder to find.) With those three effects, it's no wonder "no one cares" about freedom.
Facebook feels gratis, and even free, because (1) you don't pay money, and (2) you have an easy way to talk with other people. The advertisement you can live with, and the spying you don't even see. Few people could actually link Facebook's spying to changes in their present lives. (I'm not sure those that can are at liberty to speak their mind right now.)
He may be making extreme claims, but his accomplishments are truly amazing. This video is about one of his future plans; ignore the claims if you want, but listen what he is working on and why.