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Oh this guy again. This guy created Meson and has a pattern of being 1) Quite toxic and 2) Entirely dogmatic when it comes to software design. He shows no interest in discussing design problems with Meson and asserts his viewpoints as truth and fact, resorting to snide comebacks instead of having thoughtful conversation.

Doesn't surprise me he wrote an article like this. Completely misguided and isn't rooted in reality.

Okay, so when you write that this blog author, who made a post arguing how environmental variables are global mutable state, is quite toxic and resorting to snide comebacks instead of having thoughtful conversation, then that is just you engaging in thoughtful conversation about the issue (which is envvars), and not you making a toxic ad-hominem attack at all, right?

GP is just one voice in this discussion, where others have already addressed the substance of the article. Some context and history is valuable.

I would say at least the comments about dogma and tone are relevant in the current context.


It surprises me that people put more attention to the author than to the content. I have no idea who the author is, but his post doesn't seem to me toxic at all nor dogmatic.

On the other hand, your comment sounds a bit toxic, to be honest: "because the author is X it must be that all of his articles are X as well".

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