Then again, if you are of a divisive personality type, you maybe should not lead an organization as others might not want to work with you, companies might want to withdraw funding because they don't like to be associated with the controversy around you. And lastly, you might reduce the reach of your own ideas.
Did it ever occur to you that having an agreeable and nice personality is not quite what is needed to bring forth the ideas of free software movement? It is not like Stallman wasn't effective in this role - everyone in this thread was reached by his ideas in different ways. People from all over the world have heard of Free Software, joined the movement, have built a lot of applications, but apparently all some people need is for him to also be nice. I guees it is never enough for some people.
Maybe, but I've yet have anyone describe Stallman as empathetic or integrative.
Given the choice between believing multiple persons and orgs have a hidden agenda or believing them, I choose the latter unless I am given good reasons for the first.
He had come up with a set of principles that defined the Free Software, and created a worldwide movement that consists of dosens of thousands of developers,most of the time being vilified and ridiculed and FUDed by some of the biggest corporations on the planet. (And all this time strictly following his own moral code and never trading freedom for convenience)
I'd say he has the very set of traits that allowed him to achieve the impossible and change the world for the better, immensely. But now some random people not known for anything but their activism also want him to be niiiiiiice, or else they'll cancel him. To hell with that!!