While Allman style can be very pleasing, it requires the right language, as certain language features will make it off putting to see it used in some places in not others. For things like C, it makes sense. For languages that use braces for blocks inline (e.g. Perl), you're going to constantly have a mix of Allman style braces and inline/infix braces if you use the language features in a useful manner.
Put another way, style is something that should be chosen per language, perhaps with very similar languages having a style that it makes sense for you to share across them. A blind adherence to any specific style across languages is not necessarily useful. This is obvious when you consider languages as disparate as C, Lisp and APL, but it applies similarly, if more subtly, to languages that aren't nearly as different as those are from each other at first glance.
I have yet to see a good case for alignment over indent-wrapping.
For example, if there is a map of object properties that is ~20 or so items long, with an alignment of each value you cut down on the jaggedness of each line. I see that jaggedness as an advantage, where each line is slightly more unique, and thus easier to scan in context. Additionally, the key on the front of the line is generally what you are searching for, so alignment generally does nothing for searchability anyway.
And I think they are pretty reasonable.
I've used camelCase a lot but I am about to switch to the good old underscore_style as it really might be easier to read.
And there is no doubt in my mind that alignment, spacing and structure is almost as important as good naming.
And of course, Allman style braces.