We recently built a tool for this trend:
Our tool analyses travel times in cities from different points of interest like super markets, parks, doctors etc.
For now our tool is only available in German but you can take a look at our translated front-page and explore our tool in one german city:
Nice work guys! I was just wondering whether this is the case for me. I live in Frankfurt and I think it is really the case. The travel times by public transport are a bit long though to other parts of the town. I.e. I live in Gallus and need roughly have an hour to Ostend or even almost an hour to Preungesheim, including walking to the station though. So for such a small city that is quite weird, but I guess the green map shows that I should be happy anyway.
This is amazing, thanks! Not sure how exactly you calculate, but couldn't you extend this tool "automatically" (I know there are pitfalls) to all places in the world which are well covered by OpenStreetMap?
Not exactly this, but here’s a website which calculates isochrones (regions included in a certain travel time) based on OSM data: https://commutetimemap.com/
great! there is also the python package osmnx[1] to calculate isochrones by yourself. Also check geoff boeing's blog[2]. if you are into geo spatial things.
Not exactly this, but here’s a website which calculates isochrones (regions included in a certain travel time) based on OSM data: https://commutetimemap.com/
For now our tool is only available in German but you can take a look at our translated front-page and explore our tool in one german city:
Front page [google translated]: https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https...
Demo [don't use the translated front page for navigation]: https://15-minuten-stadt.de/cities/Frankfurt%20am%20Main/
If you would like to get in contact, shoot us an e-mail at nils.seipel@flux-impulse.de