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> So the gist of it is that when she was running for election, she hired her father as an election agent while he was being investigated for his crimes, and also she lived in the house he performed his crimes in at the same time.

That's where it started, but it seems to have intensified (based on my brief research, I think I've come across some of the earlier stories about Knight/Challenor previously, but it's not too of the mind stuff) because her current spouse is apparently an open (not active, at least openly) pedophile who has publicly posted about (among other things) fantasizing about children being forcibly kidnapped, tortured, and raped.

This, combined with the issues that arose around how much she may have been aware of, involved in, or defensive of her father's crimes would probably bring a firestorm of negative attention to her if she wasn't trans, and the fact that it's natural fit with the anti-LGBTQ propaganda angle that everything that deviates from pure cisgender heterosexuality is barely a step removed from bestiality, child rape, and the general collapse of society makes it the perfect magnet for the absolute worst that the culture wars have to offer.

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