It’s my biggest problem, both with people who want trendy frameworks, and myself who was bored with work in my younger years (til I started drinking and made changes and created my company). “From a million dollars, anything is your passion” is quite true (was it Joel on Software?), but IT is quite boring when evolving at the lower levels.
I’ve loved the book “Tribal leadership” which defines levels of career,
1-Almost dropout;
2-Bored worker (apathetic victim, but delivers work - This was me);
3-Working like an as but executing on your own skills (“lone warrior” - This is me now);
4-Executes well with a mentor above and mentoring below, which pushes the organization forward by “belonging” to the social fabric;
5-Executes for others - Creates relationship between people so they can execute together - that’s the “startup ecosystem” or corporate leader style, those people often look like gurus amazed by the smartness of people in their ecosystem, which, if they are contagious and humble, becomes true leadership.
It’s my biggest problem, both with people who want trendy frameworks, and myself who was bored with work in my younger years (til I started drinking and made changes and created my company). “From a million dollars, anything is your passion” is quite true (was it Joel on Software?), but IT is quite boring when evolving at the lower levels.
I’ve loved the book “Tribal leadership” which defines levels of career,
1-Almost dropout;
2-Bored worker (apathetic victim, but delivers work - This was me);
3-Working like an as but executing on your own skills (“lone warrior” - This is me now);
4-Executes well with a mentor above and mentoring below, which pushes the organization forward by “belonging” to the social fabric;
5-Executes for others - Creates relationship between people so they can execute together - that’s the “startup ecosystem” or corporate leader style, those people often look like gurus amazed by the smartness of people in their ecosystem, which, if they are contagious and humble, becomes true leadership.