Malcom X said it the best. The White leftist liberal is the biggest oppressor in the room. By declaring they speak for the oppressed they've essentially silenced them.
I think speaking for the oppressed is better than actively oppressing people though. While there is always more that could be done, hanging out a BLM banner is better than...supporting suppression of black voter rights. Though I understand some people use signaling -in place- of action, which is neutral at best, it's better than active oppression.
In reality the current approach just alienates the people in power with the ability to do something meaningful.
People that werent going to do anything meaningful, but still wont. Except now they wear black and blue versions of the American flag in a specific counter protest.
While the actual person of color has to listen to your ilk proclaim rewriting the language is so progressive and for that person no matter what their life experience has been, and also wonder about how much the “silent” people resent them because they think it’s we’re going to cancel them.
Hope that people can further refine how the energy and sentiment is directed. I feel like we’re close, but people are still so out of touch.
the thing is the CCP has been indoctrinating your youngest from the 80s. pikachu surprise face when they start touting the propaganda they were taught in their younger years.
Take a minute to reflect back on what happened.