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The whole thing has been fairly hands-off for us, surprisingly enough, as I fully expected this to be a maintenance nightmare that we might have to pull back, hence the experimental label. I could count on a single hand the number of times we had to make adjustments since we shipped it.

I'd honestly love to be able to implement dark mode the proper way with semantic color tokens and runtime theme swapping someday. But since our codebase didn't start with hot-swappable theming in mind, retrofitting a proper theme-based dark mode into it would be a gigantic undertaking that we'd have trouble justifying against all of our other priorities.

For anyone building a brand new app, definitely start by implementing themes the right way instead of using this hack. You'll definitely save yourself a lot of headache down the line.

> But since our codebase didn't start with hot-swappable theming in mind

But it doesn’t have to be that thought out. It just needs the same kind of symmetry you’ve applied, wherever you’ve applied colors (and maybe lighten font weight a bit). You can just use a media query and target the same selectors.

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