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I've been working on the dark mode implementation for Atlassian for the last year and a half, so this is right in my wheelhouse. This post is excellent advice for a small app, but if you have any production sized app or a larger team, it's not a great approach. Using colors directly in a theme override mean you have to then design and write the css for every page twice.

A better approach for doing dark mode is to use semantic tokens as a middleman. This works great not just for dark mode, but theming in general - allowing for high contrast mode, color blind modes, and others, while reducing the amount of effort required to style a new page (rather than growing multiplicatively with direct overrides).

If you're curious about this, I have a very basic schema I made for my app that you're welcome to steal here: https://github.com/jjcm/soci-frontend/blob/master/docs/token...

Here's an example implementation of the above schema: https://github.com/jjcm/soci-frontend/blob/master/soci-token...

The great thing is once it's implemented, it becomes VERY easy to know what token to use where. Got a button that's a primary action in a hover state? You probably want to use --brand-background-hover for the bg. Means you can do a lot of the design directly in code I find.

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