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Hey sayemm,

I'm the author of the article, so thanks a bunch for the praise! I have switched to being a professional Rails programmer four months ago and left the last 2.5 years of daily Python programming behind me. This post is more a by-product of a mail that I answered.

Maybe I'll sometimes get around and write a pendant for Ruby. To get you started - for my new job I had to read these seven books:

* Agile Web development by Sam Ruby

* CSS, the definitve guide

* Head first software development

* jQuery in Action

* pragmatic git

* The Rails Way by Obie Fernandez

* The Rspec Book

Granted, this is less Ruby then Rails specific.

Best to you on your path,


Nice, I've got all of those except for the CSS, Head First, and Rspec book... so I'm glad I've been headed in the right direction. Will look into those other books, I hear the RSpec book is real handy.

Thanks you so much for the tips and the list. This is why I love Hacker News.

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