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Azure Experiencing an Outage (azure.com)
6 points by mwaitjmp on March 15, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Seems to have been going on for at least an hour:


Apparently they are rolling back an update.

There are a number of people on twitter saying that onedrive is deleting files as it says they no longer have access. Obviously everything should be fine once it all comes back, but might be something to bear in mind if you don’t want to have to download a lot of data once it all comes back.

Edit - mitigation is now being rolled out https://twitter.com/msft365status/status/1371571383004590081...

I was getting:

DX10501:+Signature+validation+failed.+Unable+to+match+keys:+ kid:+'[PII+is+hidden]',+ token:+'[PII+is+hidden]'.

so some key/signature update went sideways

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