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I agree that freedom comes accompanied with responsibilities, but not the simplistic, "don't rock the boat" type of responsibilities that 6th Grade teachers talk about.

Thomas Drake had a responsibility to expose the NSA's massive waste. Elssberg had a responsibility to expose the Pentagon Papers. Assange and company have a responsibility to get the US diplomatic cables out there. Those forsenic economists (http://www.slate.com/id/2203121/, http://www.iies.su.se/~ekaplan/coups.pdf) have a responsibility to figure out who profited from knowledge of US-backed coups in Central America.

Freedom isn't free of cost. We all have a responsibility to spill the beans about immoral actions by secretive organizations.


However, we have learned to not abuse freedom for selfish profit, but to maintain and protect it. We learned that freedom is the freedom of speech for others. And to accept conflicting opinions peacefully.

This is not a given everywhere, though. Where Social Capital is lacking, freedom can easily become a trigger for a breakdown of personal and public security. Where loyalties are mainly based on family ties or group boundaries, freedom can easily lead to more hate and large scale physical violence. Where education is poor, even the most obvious lie will find people that get angry about it and look for "retaliation", often physical.

I am of course not saying that freedom of speech is bad. On the contrary. But is has to be dealed with carefully, and differently in differend societies, taking into account each societies values and development process. Otherwise it may easily (again!) destroy more than it creates. Just think of the "elections" desaster in Africa in the 1990s. A huge (and forseable) tragedy, but it sold well in the West.

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