I think consoles are great devices to make gaming accessible to the masses, requiring little to no effort to get up and running. Where I draw the line is console exclusives.
I will not purchase a console that forces me to buy hardware I do not need because they ban experiences from other platforms to try gain a competitive edge. I feel this is damaging to the industry as games with incredible experiences are blocked behind a paywall (and often restricted quality).
Consoles should compete on experience and features, not exclusive games that you can't play without buying into the ecosystem.
I only just got around to finishing Bloodborne (at 20-30 fps) and it's a game I have wanted to play since I saw the trailer back in 2013. It's so sad that they limit this game's IP to only PS4 owners. I would love to see the lore expanded upon in sequels (that run at an unlocked, variable frame rate), but if demon souls is anything to go by, we won't.
If it were available for PC, I would buy it. If it were available via emulation, I would buy it.
People who pirate games do so because they can't afford them, and there is nothing less affordable than having to buy an entire device to play a game.
Emulation does complicate this somewhat because piracy is a necessity to the experience, something that could be addressed by the hardware vendors themselves.
I will not purchase a console that forces me to buy hardware I do not need because they ban experiences from other platforms to try gain a competitive edge. I feel this is damaging to the industry as games with incredible experiences are blocked behind a paywall (and often restricted quality).
Consoles should compete on experience and features, not exclusive games that you can't play without buying into the ecosystem.
I only just got around to finishing Bloodborne (at 20-30 fps) and it's a game I have wanted to play since I saw the trailer back in 2013. It's so sad that they limit this game's IP to only PS4 owners. I would love to see the lore expanded upon in sequels (that run at an unlocked, variable frame rate), but if demon souls is anything to go by, we won't.
If it were available for PC, I would buy it. If it were available via emulation, I would buy it.
People who pirate games do so because they can't afford them, and there is nothing less affordable than having to buy an entire device to play a game.
Emulation does complicate this somewhat because piracy is a necessity to the experience, something that could be addressed by the hardware vendors themselves.