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I want to love emacs with default bindings but find them unergonomic to the extreme. However I think VIMs bindings and multimodal text editing is a false economy, so I don't want to just use evil-mode (spacemacs or DOOM). In other IDEs and OSs there is a consistent scheme for copy, paste, undo, redo but no consistent scheme for new-line-above/below or movement near the home row keys using modifiers. I've been experimenting with alt+[some homerow keys] for movement and left-hand w/modifiers for changes similar to ergoemacs, in vscode. The realisation I've had is that there is an absence of standardized keybindings for text editing across IDEs/editors and the complexity and lack of interoperability rolling-your-own make that approach universally avoided. This means we are in a rut going back and forth between emacs and vim and OS keybindings, and the editor wars are just a symptom of a greater problem. The real issue is that there is not enough R&D on efficiency and human-oriented design and/or this hasn't influenced current standards to a great enough degree. Aside from in a terminal I'm not convinced (if timed/tested) the average coder using the mouse heavily with left-hand shortcuts would be any less capable than a vim guru. Accuracy with a mouse is something that can be improved too, just look at competitive FPS games. I'd also posit the mouse coder spent more time learning coding and less time fiddling with his tools.

Does anyone know where I could find more info about this stuff?

Does anyone know of any research comparing the efficiency/speed/stress of VIM users to, say, VS Code keybindings or emacs ones?

I am a productive vim user already and have just learned standard emacs bindings and ergoemacs bindings within a few hours. This is not a matter of a vim-naiive person avoiding learning the tool. I do have a preoccupation with tools rather than getting stuff done with them... That's our curse isn't it?

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