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It's much easier to buy industrial [1] and high endurance [2] microSD cards now. SanDisk/WD started selling them to the public due to the popularity of dashcams that record continuously. No more buying cards on digikey from a manufacturer you'd never heard of for 10x the price.

I haven't seen reports of these particular cards being counterfeited yet, but still... you probably shouldn't buy them from Amazon...

[1] https://www.westerndigital.com/products/commercial-removable...

[2] https://shop.westerndigital.com/products/memory-cards/sandis...

WD Purple does seem to have proper wear-leveling as well[1], which are easy to find in retailers anywhere for a reasonable price.

I believe over-provisioning space to delay wear if you write much can also help (in conjunction with wear leveling).

[1] See this thread:


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