"The method used to create the first Pascal compiler, described by U. Ammann in The Zurich Implementation, was to write the compiler in a subset of unrevised Pascal itself, then hand-translate the code to SCALLOP, a CDC specific language. The compiler was then bootstrapped, or compiled using the Pascal source code and the SCALLOP based compiler, to get a working compiler that was written in Pascal itself. Then, the compiler was extended to accept the full unrevised Pascal language."
"The method used to create the first Pascal compiler, described by U. Ammann in The Zurich Implementation, was to write the compiler in a subset of unrevised Pascal itself, then hand-translate the code to SCALLOP, a CDC specific language. The compiler was then bootstrapped, or compiled using the Pascal source code and the SCALLOP based compiler, to get a working compiler that was written in Pascal itself. Then, the compiler was extended to accept the full unrevised Pascal language."